
This document discribes the public customer API available for the HUB portal. This API can be used to read plant, inverter or meter data and control the plant. Using the API allows users of the Hub portal to read and process the device data in another platform or device.

Use of the API

To use the API a token needs to be generated per device. This token determines the permissions and the maximum number of requests per day. By default, a device can replay to 250 API calls per day. If more than 250 API calls are done, within one day, an error message will be returned. Please contact Embion if more than 250 calls per day per device are required.

About this manual

Call outs


Used for notes in this documentation


Used for warnings in this documentation


Used for important notes in this documentation


Used for tips in this documentation


Used for caution notes in this documentation

Enable the API acces tokens

For each individual device which needs to be read or controlled via the public API, a token needs to be generated. The token is generated and managed in the HUB portal (

Generate token in the HUB.

To generate or manage a token, open the specific device menu and open “access tokens”.

The menu shows all the currently availible access tokens, and allows the user to create a new one. Per token the expiration date can be selected, and the uid’s (meters and inverter) to which te token has read access can be selected.

Tokens are generated per device

Please note, the tokens are generated per device. When multiple devices in one namespace need to be accesed by the API, a token per device needs to be generated.

Limited number of API calls per day

The maximum number of API calls per day is limited per device (default to 250), independently of the number of tokens. The user is able to limit the number of calls per day for each token. If the total number of calls per day exceeds the 250 calls, the API will not return data for the current request.

API layout

Multiple API requests can be done to retreive plant data, meter data, inverter data or device status data. Below the layout and an explanation per call. Filling in your own id, API-KEY and start_date should return valid data.


All API calls should include the API-KEY generated in the HUB portal in the header of the API call. For example the following information is added to the header:

API-KEY: wzae211vh4ddXlbwt4wdyX1eSjkcgt7dmpqwd5Xnk8amm

Date and time format

For all date and time values the ISO 8601 standard is used. For normal use only the date and optionally the time zone needs to be send in the requests.

Some valid date-time examples using the ISO 8601 standard:

ISO 8601 notation Start time / date Time zone
2022-12-14T08:00Z 14-12-2022 8:00:00 UTC
2022-12-14T08:00 14-12-2022 8:00:00 UTC
2022-12-14T08Z 14-12-2022 8:00:00 UTC
2022-12-14T08:00:00.000+0100 14-12-2022 8:00:00 GMT+1
2022-12-14 14-12-2022 00:00:00 UTC
2022-12-14GMT+0100 14-12-2022 00:00:00 GMT+1
2022-12 01-12-2022 00:00:00 UTC
2022 01-01-2022 00:00:00 UTC

Status request

This request returns status information for your device. The api is requested by sending a get command to containing the following url data:

var description mandatory
id unique id for the device to read (generated in the hub portal) Yes

The following data is returned in json layout:

var description format
status actual status of the plant string
online true if plant is online, false if offline bool
last_contact last contact in ISO 8601 layout string
serial serial number of device string
version actual software version of device string
pn product number of device string
name reference name of device string
namespace namespace location of device string
status_message returns the actual status message of the device string
support_status returns the actual support status, disabled or support ID when enabled string
safe_state true if safe_state is enabled on the device bool
plant_control idle, pending, sent, accepted, failed string
Status API call example



    "status": "ok",
    "online": true,
    "last_contact": "2022-12-14T12:48:13.000Z",
    "serial": "0100211001090B",
    "version": "1.3.1",
    "pn": "GSE-A010-POE",
    "name": "main-solar",
    "namespace": "Embion",
    "status_message": "reducing inverters",
    "support_status": "A291D88",
    "safe_state": false,
    "plant_control": "idle"

Plant data request

Using this request, plant data can be returned. The api is requested by sending a get command to containing the following url data:

var description mandatory format
id unique id for the device to read (generated in the Hub portal) Yes string
period select data return period (q: 15 minute (default), h: hourly, w: weekly, d: daily, m: monthly, y: yearly, l: last sample) No string
range time range to show, d = day (default), w = week, m = month, y = year No string
type type of combination of multiple datapoints (min: min value in timerange, max: max value in timerange (default), avg: average value in timerange) No string
start_date date of the first sample in ISO 8601 layout, if not set current day is used No string
Add time to start_date

Users can optionally add a time to start_date and thereby shifting the day interval. The total number of returned entries will stay identical. When no time is defined, a day is defined between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 in the selected timezone.

Default values

If as well start_date as range and period is not defined in the call, only the last stored sample is returned.

Data time range

The user can define the start date, from which the first data point will be returned using ‘start_date’. By defining period, the date return interval is selected. By defining range, the end-date/time relative to ‘start_date’ is selected, and so the number of entries returned.

Result time limit

Please note for period q and h the maximum range is d (one day). For period d max range is w (one week). For period w max range is m (one month). For period m the max range is y (one year.)

The following data is returned in json layout:

var description units format
timestamp Timestamp of the measurement ISO 8601 string
psol Actual solar power 1 W Integer
kdy Cumulative daily yield 1 Wh Integer
run # inverters in RUN state - Integer
warn # inverters in WARN state - Integer
err # inverters in ERR state - Integer
red Actual reduction value (10000 == 100% => no reduction) Represents power limit % Integer
var1 Free to use variable - Integer
var2 Free to use variable - Integer
var3 Free to use variable - Integer
var4 Free to use variable - Integer
in1 State of digital input 1 - Integer 0 or 1 (bool)
in2 State of digital input 2 - Integer 0 or 1 (bool)
out1 State of digital output 1 - Integer 0 or 1 (bool)
out2 State of digital output 2 - Integer 0 or 1 (bool)
con # of inverters connected to the gateway - Integer
pgrid gridpower 1 W Integer
egi Grid import energy 1 Wh Integer
ege Grid export energy 1 Wh Integer
gil1 Grid phase 1 current 0.1 A Integer
gil2 Grid phase 2 current 0.1 A Integer
gil3 Grid phase 3 current 0.1 A Integer
gul1 Grid phase 1 voltage 0.1 V Integer
gul2 Grid phase 2 voltage 0.1 V Integer
gul3 Grid phase 3 voltage 0.1 V Integer
Plant API call example

Request[id]&period=q &range=d&type=max&start_date=2022-12-14


        "timestamp": "2022-12-14T10:00:00.000Z",
        "con": 3,
        "ege": 3500,
        "egi": 2000,
        "err": 0,
        "in1": 1,
        "in2": 0,
        "out1": 0,
        "out2": 0,
        "gil1": 5,
        "gil2": 6,
        "gil3": 7,
        "gul1": 220,
        "gul2": 230,
        "gul3": 240,
        "kdy": 1010,
        "pgrid": 1000,
        "psol": 1750,
        "red": 10000,
        "run": 2,
        "var1": 1,
        "var2": 2,
        "var3": 3,
        "var4": 4,
        "warn": 1
        "timestamp": "2022-12-14T10:15:00.000Z",
        "con": 3,
        "ege": 4100,
        "egi": 2000,
        "err": 0,
        "in1": 1,
        "in2": 0,
        "out1": 0,
        "out2": 0,
        "gil1": 56,
        "gil2": 63,
        "gil3": 78,
        "gul1": 2218,
        "gul2": 2301,
        "gul3": 2368,
        "kdy": 12010,
        "pgrid": -11600,
        "psol": 2000,
        "red": 10000,
        "run": 3,
        "var1": 1,
        "var2": 2,
        "var3": 3,
        "var4": 4,
        "warn": 0

Meter data request

With this API request, individual meter data can be returned. The api is requested by sending a get command to containing the following url data:

var description mandatory format
id unique id for the device to read (generated in the Hub portal) Yes string
uid the uid of the meter to read, only one uid can be entered Yes string
period select data return period (q: 15 minute (default), h: hourly, w: weekly, d: daily, m: monthly, y: yearly, l: last sample) No string
range time range to show, d = day (default), w = week, m = month, y = year No string
type type of combination of multiple datapoints (min: min value in timerange, max: max value in timerange (default), avg: average value in timerange) No string
start_date date of the first sample in ISO 8601 layout, if not set current day is used No string

The following data is returned in json layout. Only data present is returned. Data which is not used for the specific meter is left out of the reply.

var description units format
timestamp Timestamp of the measurement ISO 8601 string
actpow Total active power 1 W Integer
apparpow Total apparent power 1 VA Integer
reactpow Total reactive power 1 VAR Integer
pf Total powerfactor 0.01 \(cos(\varphi)\) Integer
pfl1 Phase 1 powerfactor 0.01 \(cos(\varphi)\) Integer
pfl2 Phase 2 powerfactor 0.01 \(cos(\varphi)\) Integer
pfl3 Phase 3 powerfactor 0.01 \(cos(\varphi)\) Integer
actpowl1 Phase 1 active power 1 W Integer
actpowl2 Phase 2 active power 1 W Integer
actpowl3 Phase 3 active power 1 W Integer
il1 Phase 1 current 0.1 A Integer
il2 Phase 2 current 0.1 A Integer
il3 Phase 3 current 0.1 A Integer
vll12 Phase1-2 line-line voltage 0.1 V Integer
vll13 Phase1-3 line-line voltage 0.1 V Integer
vll23 Phase2-3 line-line voltage 0.1 V Integer
vl1 Phase1 to neutral voltage 0.1 V Integer
vl2 Phase2 to neutral voltage 0.1 V Integer
vl3 Phase3 to neutral voltage 0.1 V Integer
eimp imported energy counter 1 Wh Integer
eexp exported energy counter 1 Wh Integer
esolar used solar energy counter 1 Wh Integer
egrid used grid energy counter 1 Wh Integer
fgrid Measured grid frequency 0.01 Hz Integer
thdul1 Phase 1 voltage THD 0.01 % Integer
thdul2 Phase 2 voltage THD 0.01 % Integer
thdul3 Phase 3 voltage THD 0.01 % Integer
thdil1 Phase 1 current THD 0.01 % Integer
thdil2 Phase 2 current THD 0.01 % Integer
thdil3 Phase 3 current THD 0.01 % Integer
gas Used gas counter 0.01 m3 Integer
water Used water counter 0.01 m3 Integer
heat Used heat counter 100 J Integer
radi Measured radiation 0.1 W/m2 Integer
temp Measured temperature 0.1 C Integer
humi Measured humidity 0.01 % Integer
pres Measured pressure 1000 Pa Integer
flow Measured flow 0.01 liter/min Integer
weight Measured weigth 1 gram Integer
Meter API call example

Request[id]&uid=mtr1:1& period=q&range=d&type=max&start_date=2022-12-14


        "timestamp": "2022-12-14T08:00:00.000Z",
        "actpow": 1000,
        "actpowl1": 100,
        "actpowl2": 1200,
        "actpowl3": -300,
        "apparpow": 1005,
        "eexp": 0,
        "egrid": 13541,
        "eimp": 36578912,
        "esolar": 31575661,
        "fgrid": 5011,
        "gas": 12300,
        "il1": 1000,
        "il2": 2000,
        "il3": 500,
        "pf": 30,
        "pfl1": 50,
        "pfl2": -50,
        "pfl3": 100,
        "reactpow": 100,
        "thdil1": 100,
        "thdil2": 200,
        "thdil3": 140,
        "thdul1": 111,
        "thdul2": 15,
        "thdul3": 109,
        "ul1": 23011,
        "ul2": 24011,
        "ul3": 23544,
        "ull12": 39821,
        "ull13": 40201,
        "ull23": 39098
        "timestamp": "2022-12-14T08:15:00.000Z",
        "actpow": 1000,
        "actpowl1": 100,
        "actpowl2": 1200,
        "actpowl3": -300,
        "apparpow": 1005,
        "eexp": 0,
        "egrid": 13541,
        "eimp": 36578912,
        "esolar": 31575661,
        "fgrid": 5011,
        "gas": 15300,
        "il1": 1000,
        "il2": 2000,
        "il3": 500,
        "pf": 30,
        "pfl1": 50,
        "pfl2": -50,
        "pfl3": 100,
        "reactpow": 100,
        "thdil1": 100,
        "thdil2": 200,
        "thdil3": 140,
        "thdul1": 111,
        "thdul2": 15,
        "thdul3": 109,
        "ul1": 23011,
        "ul2": 24011,
        "ul3": 23544,
        "ull12": 39821,
        "ull13": 40201,
        "ull23": 39098

Inverter data request

This API call returnes individual inverter data. The api is requested by sending a get command to containing the following url data:

var description mandatory format
id unique id for the device to read (generated in the Hub portal) Yes string
uid the uid of the inverter to read, only one uid can be entered Yes string
period select data return period (q: 15 minute (default), h: hourly, w: weekly, d: daily, m: monthly, y: yearly, l: last sample) No string
range time range to show, d = day (default), w = week, m = month, y = year No string
type type of combination of multiple datapoints (min: min value in timerange, max: max value in timerange (default), avg: average value in timerange) No string
start_date date of the first sample in ISO 8601 layout, if not set current day is used No string

The following data is returned in json layout. Dependend on the number of strings stringdata will contain an amount of entries.

var description units format
timestamp Timestamp of the measurement ISO 8601 string
stat Inverter status Integer
kdy Inverter daily yield 1 Wh Integer
pac Inverter AC power 1 W Integer
ul1 Inverter phase 1 voltage 0.1 V Integer
ul2 Inverter phase 2 voltage 0.1 V Integer
ul3 Inverter phase 3 voltage 0.1 V Integer
il1 Inverter phase 1 current 0.1 A Integer
il2 Inverter phase 2 current 0.1 A Integer
il3 Inverter phase 3 current 0.1 A Integer
tmp1 Inverter internal temperature 1 0.1 C Integer
tmp2 Inverter internal temperature 2 0.1 C Integer
ilk Inverter leakge current or isolation resistance 0.0001 A Integer
arc Inverter arc detection status Integer
batpow Battery power (+charge, -discharge) 1 W Integer
batcap Remaining battery capacity 1 Wh Integer
batsoc Battery State Of Charge 0.1 % Integer
batsoh Battery State Of Health 0.1 % Integer
battemp Battery temperature 0.1 C Integer
string_data Individual string data stringdata

Defenition of the stringdata:

var description units format
sid string number of inverter uid string
idc String current 0.1 A Integer
udc String voltage 0.1 V Integer
pdc String power 1 W Integer
ydc String daily yield 1 Wh Integer
sarc String arc detection status Integer
Inverter API call example

Request[id]&uid=inv1:1 &period=h&range=d&type=max&start_date=2022-12-14GMT+0100


        "timestamp": "2022-12-13T23:00:00.000Z",
        "arc": 0,
        "batcap": 0,
        "batpower": 0,
        "batsoc": 0,
        "batsoh": 0,
        "battemp": 0,
        "il1": 56,
        "il2": 63,
        "il3": 77,
        "ilk": 3,
        "kdy": 1100000,
        "pac": 10000,
        "string_data": [
                "sid": "1",
                "idc": 50,
                "udc": 5000,
                "pdc": 2500,
                "sarc": 0
                "sid": "2",
                "idc": 60,
                "udc": 6000,
                "pdc": 3600,
                "sarc": 0
        "stat": 1,
        "tmp1": 531,
        "tmp2": 366,
        "ul1": 2301,
        "ul2": 2405,
        "ul3": 2508
        "timestamp": "2022-12-14T00:00:00.000Z",
        "arc": 0,
        "batcap": 0,
        "batpower": 0,
        "batsoc": 0,
        "batsoh": 0,
        "battemp": 0,
        "il1": 120,
        "il2": 130,
        "il3": 120,
        "ilk": 3,
        "kdy": 1200000,
        "pac": 14000,
        "string_data": [
                "sid": "1",
                "idc": 50,
                "udc": 5000,
                "pdc": 2500,
                "sarc": 0
                "sid": "2",
                "idc": 60,
                "udc": 6000,
                "pdc": 3600,
                "sarc": 0
        "stat": 1,
        "tmp1": 551,
        "tmp2": 346,
        "ul1": 2301,
        "ul2": 2405,
        "ul3": 2508

Plant control example

This API call allows external control of the plant. The GSE will limit any given values to the plant maximum or minimum allowed values.

Giving values exceeding the plant capabilities is allowed, but GSE will adjust to allowed values.

At least one of the control values should be given, when a certain control value is not given or the valid_time is exceeded, the control value is not activly controlled by the GSE.

The api command is given by sending a get command to containing the following POST data

var description mandatory format unit
id unique id for the device to read (generated in the Hub portal) Yes string
p_import_limit Maximum grid import power No integer W
p_export_limit Maximum grid export power No integer W
control_generation min: minimise generation, max: maximize generation, nom: nominal generation No string
control_consumption min: minimise consumption, max: maximise consumption, nom: nominal consumption No string
valid_time Time which given command stays active on the GSE. Default and ‘0’ is infinit No uinteger s

When a plant control action was still active when sending a new command, the old command is overwritten and the return message is “overwritten”.


Keep in mind that previously set limits are not remembered when a new command is send and overwrites the previous command.

Further explanation for control generation and consumption

The “control_generation” and “control_consumption” items can be used to control plant generation and consumption independently of the plant configuration.

Setting “control_generation” to “min” reduces the power generation to the minimum, resulting is solar power converters to shutdown and wind turbines to stop.

Setting “control_generation” to “nom” allows generation of solar and wind to operate normally.

Setting “control_generation” to “max” allows also the start of any extra generators (if available at plant).

Settings “control_consumption” to “min” reduces the controlable loads like heatpumps and EV-chargers to minimum consumption.

Settings “control_consumption” to “nom” enables normal controlable loads to operate within the plant limits.

Settings “control_consumption” to “max” increases the power for controlable loads to maximum. EV-chargers will increase charging power to maximum (within plant limits) and heatpumps will increase or decrease setpoint to increase power consumption.