1 Introduction

This document describes the public customer REST API available for the HUB portal. The API can be used to read plant, inverter and/or meter data and to control the plant, allowing users of the HUB portal to use these components in other platforms.

2 About this manual

2.1 Callouts


Used for notes in this documentation


Used for warnings in this documentation


Used for important notes in this documentation


Used for tips in this documentation


Used for caution notes in this documentation

3 Getting started

3.1 Access tokens

All endpoints in this API require authentication using access tokens. These tokens are unique to each device and determine the permissions and the maximum number of requests that can be made per day.

Token creation

A token can be generated for each individual device that needs to be read or controlled via the public API. The token is generated and managed through the HUB portal. When multiple devices in one namespace need to be accessed by the API, a token per device needs to be generated.


Documentation for creating access tokens can be found here

Request limits

There is a default limit of 3,000 requests per device per day, with each request counting towards this limit.

Although the maximum requests per day per token can be adjusted, all requests still contribute to the device’s 3,000 request limit.


If more than 3,000 calls per device per day are required, please contact Embion for further assistance and to discuss specific needs.

Use of access token in the API

All endpoints described in this document require the access token value to be present as the API-KEY in the HTTP header of the request.


Any references to an ID in this document correspond to the token’s ID.


The access token is structured as follows: the first 13 characters represent the token ID, followed by an “X,” and then a string that completes the actual access token.

  • Access token: wzae211vh4ddXlbwt4wdyX1eSjre435dmpqwd5Xnk8amm
  • Token ID: wzae211vh4dd

Header information

Example header information:

API-KEY: wzae211vh4ddXlbwt4wdyX1eSjre435dmpqwd5Xnk8amm

If the token is not provided or does not match the ID, a response with HTTP status code 401 will be returned, including the following body:

[{ "error":"Invalid ID or token used" }]

3.2 HTTP status codes

The following HTTP status codes can be present in the responses:

200OKThe request was successfully processed
401UnauthorizedThe access token wasn't given, is invalid, and/or doesn't match with the given id
403ForbiddenThe access token is valid, but doesn't have the correct permissions for the endpoint
429To many requestsThe maximum daily request limit of the token and/or the device has been reached

3.3 ISO 8601

The ISO 8601 standard is used for all date and time values. In most cases, only the date and optionally the time zone needs to be sent in the requests.

Some valid date-time examples using the ISO 8601 standard:

2022-12-14T08:00Z14-12-2022 8:00:00UTC
2022-12-14T08:0014-12-2022 8:00:00UTC
2022-12-14T08Z14-12-2022 8:00:00UTC
2022-12-14T08:00:00.000+010014-12-2022 8:00:00GMT+1
2022-12-1414-12-2022 00:00:00UTC
2022-12-14GMT+010014-12-2022 00:00:00GMT+1
2022-1201-12-2022 00:00:00UTC
202201-01-2022 00:00:00UTC

3.4 Gzip

Gzip compression is a data optimization technique that reduces the size of the data transferred over the internet.

When a requests is made to the public-API, it can compress the response data using Gzip. This means that the data sent from the server to the customer application is smaller in size, leading to faster responses and lower brandwidth usage.

To enable Gzip compression, add the following header to the request:

Accept-Encoding: gzipEnables Gzip compression for all reply messagesNoString

4 API endpoints

To fetch data or control devices, HTTP requests can be sent to the API endpoints described below. Replacing placeholders with the appropriate ID, API-KEY, and start_date should return valid data.

4.1 Get status endpoint

Method: GET | URL: https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/status

This endpoint returns status information about the given device. The request does not have a body, but it requires a query parameter in order to work properly.

Request headers

This endpoint requires authentication using the API-KEY header (see Access tokens above).

API-KEYActual access token generated in the HUBYesString

Request query parameters

Query parameters must be appended to the URL, starting with a question mark (?). For example: https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/status?id=[id].

IDID of the token (generated in the HUB)Yes

Response body

var description format
status actual status of the plant string
online true if plant is online, false if offline bool
last_contact last contact in ISO 8601 layout string
serial serial number of device string
version actual software version of device string
pn product number of device string
name reference name of device string
namespace namespace location of device string
status_message returns the actual status message of the device string
support_status returns the actual support status, disabled or support ID when enabled string
safe_state true if safe_state is enabled on the device bool
plant_control idle, pending, sent, accepted, failed string
epex_configured True if the device has energy price control rules (defined in the energy pricing app), false if not bool
token token data (see table below) token

Definition of token:

var description format
control_allowed true if control access is enabled for the given token bool
expire_date expiriation date of the given token if set string
request_limit maximum daily requests for the token when configured, otherwise the configured maximum device requests (default 3000). Integer
requests_today_token number of requests done for the token today Integer

Request example

Example URL


    "status": "ok",
    "online": true,
    "last_contact": "2022-12-14T12:48:13.000Z",
    "serial": "0100211001090B",
    "version": "1.3.1",
    "pn": "GSE-A010-POE",
    "name": "main-solar",
    "namespace": "Embion",
    "status_message": "reducing inverters",
    "support_status": "A291D88",
    "safe_state": false,
    "plant_control": "idle",
    "epex_configured": false,
    "token": {
        "control_allowed": true,
        "expire_date": "2024-09-30T00:00:00.000Z",
        "request_limit": 3000,
        "requests_today_token": 40

4.2 Get UIDs endpoint

Method: GET | URL: https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/uids

This endpoint returns all UIDs available for the given token. The result can include either all UIDs or a subset of UIDs, depending on the token’s configuration.

Request headers

This endpoint requires authentication using the API-KEY header (see Access tokens above).

API-KEYActual access token generated in the HUBYesString

Request query parameters

Query parameters must be appended to the URL, starting with a question mark (?). For example: https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/uids?id=[id].

IDID of the token (generated in the HUB)Yes

Response body

var description format
allowall true if use of all UIDs is configured string
uids array of all UIDs or a subset of UIDs array

Request example

Example URL


    "allowall": true,
    "uids": [

4.3 Get plant data endpoint

Method: GET | URL: https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/plant

This API endpoint returns data from the given plant. It does not have a body, but it does require a few query parameters in order to work properly.

Request headers

This endpoint requires authentication using the API-KEY header (see Access tokens above).

API-KEYActual access token generated in the HUBYesString

Request query parameters

Query parameters must be appended to the URL, starting with a question mark (?) and separated by ampersands (&). For example: https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/plant?id=[id]&period=q&start_date=2022-12-14.




ID of the token (generated in the HUB)


Select data return period:

  • l last sample (default)
  • q 15 minute
  • h hourly
  • w weekly
  • d daily
  • m monthly
  • y yearly

Time range to show:

  • d day (default)
  • w week
  • m month
  • y year

Combination type of multiple datapoints:

  • min minimum value in timerange
  • max maximum value in timerange (default)
  • avg average value in timerange

Date of the first sample in ISO 8601 layout, if not set current day is used

Last value

Note that the last data sample is only available within the last two days. If both the start date and period are not defined in the call, only the last data sample is returned if data is available; otherwise, no data will be returned.

Data time range
  • Users can optionally include a time with the start_date, which shifts the day interval. However, the total number of returned entries remains unchanged. If no time is specified, a day is considered from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 in the selected timezone.

  • The start_date determines the beginning of the data range. The period defines the interval between returned dates, while the range specifies the end date/time relative to start_date, thereby determining the number of entries returned.

Period limitations

Please note there are some limitations when combining period and range

  • For period q (quarter-hourly) and h (hourly), the maximum range is d (one day).
  • For period d (daily), the maximum range is w (one week).
  • For period w (weekly), the maximum range is m (one month).
  • For period m (monthly), the maximum range is y (one year.)

Response body

The plant data is included in the JSON body of the response. The actual lay-out of the body varies depending on the query parameters given in the request.

The following parameters can be present, if the data is available:

var description units format
timestamp Timestamp of the measurement ISO 8601 string
psol Actual solar power 1 W Integer
kdy Cumulative daily yield 1 Wh Integer
kty Cumulative total yield 1 Wh Integer
soc Average state of charge % Integer
evku Cumulative EV charger consumption 1 Wh Integer
pev Total EV charger power 1 W Integer
pbat Total battery power 1 W Integer
run # inverters in RUN state - Integer
warn # inverters in WARN state - Integer
err # inverters in ERR state - Integer
red Actual reduction value (10000 == 100% => no reduction) Represents power limit % Integer
var1 Free to use variable - Integer
var2 Free to use variable - Integer
var3 Free to use variable - Integer
var4 Free to use variable - Integer
in1 State of digital input 1 - Integer 0 or 1 (bool)
in2 State of digital input 2 - Integer 0 or 1 (bool)
out1 State of digital output 1 - Integer 0 or 1 (bool)
out2 State of digital output 2 - Integer 0 or 1 (bool)
con # of inverters connected to the gateway - Integer
pgrid gridpower 1 W Integer
egi Grid import energy 1 Wh Integer
ege Grid export energy 1 Wh Integer
gil1 Grid phase 1 current 0.1 A Integer
gil2 Grid phase 2 current 0.1 A Integer
gil3 Grid phase 3 current 0.1 A Integer
gul1 Grid phase 1 voltage 0.1 V Integer
gul2 Grid phase 2 voltage 0.1 V Integer
gul3 Grid phase 3 voltage 0.1 V Integer

Request example

Example URL


        "timestamp": "2022-12-14T10:00:00.000Z",
        "con": 3,
        "ege": 3500,
        "egi": 2000,
        "err": 0,
        "in1": 1,
        "in2": 0,
        "out1": 0,
        "out2": 0,
        "gil1": 5,
        "gil2": 6,
        "gil3": 7,
        "gul1": 220,
        "gul2": 230,
        "gul3": 240,
        "kdy": 1010,
        "kty": 7200,
        "pgrid": 1000,
        "psol": 1750,
        "soc": 550,
        "soc": 1550,
        "pev": 750,
        "evku": 2450,
        "red": 10000,
        "run": 2,
        "var1": 1,
        "var2": 2,
        "var3": 3,
        "var4": 4,
        "warn": 1
        "timestamp": "2022-12-14T10:15:00.000Z",
        "con": 3,
        "ege": 4100,
        "egi": 2000,
        "err": 0,
        "in1": 1,
        "in2": 0,
        "out1": 0,
        "out2": 0,
        "gil1": 56,
        "gil2": 63,
        "gil3": 78,
        "gul1": 2218,
        "gul2": 2301,
        "gul3": 2368,
        "kdy": 12010,
        "kty": 7200,
        "pgrid": -11600,
        "psol": 2000,
        "soc": 550,
        "soc": 1550,
        "pev": 750,
        "evku": 2450,
        "red": 10000,
        "run": 3,
        "var1": 1,
        "var2": 2,
        "var3": 3,
        "var4": 4,
        "warn": 0

4.4 Get meter data endpoint

Method: GET | URL: https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/meter

This API endpoint returns individual meter data. It does not have a body, but it does require a few query parameters in order to work properly.

Request headers

This endpoint requires authentication using the API-KEY header (see Access tokens above).

API-KEYActual access token generated in the HUBYesString

Request query parameters

Query parameters must be appended to the URL, starting with a question mark (?) and separated by ampersands (&). For example: https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/meter?id=[id]&uid=[uid]&period=q&range=d&type=max&start_date=2022-12-14




ID of the token (generated in the HUB)


the uid of the meter to read, only one uid can be entered


Select data return period:

  • l last sample (default)
  • q 15 minute
  • h hourly
  • w weekly
  • d daily
  • m monthly
  • y yearly

Time range to show:

  • d day (default)
  • w week
  • m month
  • y year

Combination type of multiple datapoints:

  • min minimum value in timerange
  • max maximum value in timerange (default)
  • avg average value in timerange

Date of the first sample in ISO 8601 layout, if not set current day is used

Last value

Note that the last data sample is only available within the last two days. If both the start date and period are not defined in the call, only the last data sample is returned if data is available; otherwise, no data will be returned.

Data time range
  • Users can optionally include a time with the start_date, which shifts the day interval. However, the total number of returned entries remains unchanged. If no time is specified, a day is considered from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 in the selected timezone.

  • The start_date determines the beginning of the data range. The period defines the interval between returned dates, while the range specifies the end date/time relative to start_date, thereby determining the number of entries returned.

Period limitations

Please note there are some limitations when combining period and range

  • For period q (quarter-hourly) and h (hourly), the maximum range is d (one day).
  • For period d (daily), the maximum range is w (one week).
  • For period w (weekly), the maximum range is m (one month).
  • For period m (monthly), the maximum range is y (one year.)

Response body

The meter data is included in the JSON body of the response. The actual lay-out of the body varies depending on the query parameters given in the request. Data that is not used by the given meter is left out from the response body.

The following parameters can be present, if the data is available:

var description units format
timestamp Timestamp of the measurement ISO 8601 string
actpow Total active power 1 W Integer
apparpow Total apparent power 1 VA Integer
reactpow Total reactive power 1 VAR Integer
pf Total powerfactor 0.01 \(cos(\varphi)\) Integer
pfl1 Phase 1 powerfactor 0.01 \(cos(\varphi)\) Integer
pfl2 Phase 2 powerfactor 0.01 \(cos(\varphi)\) Integer
pfl3 Phase 3 powerfactor 0.01 \(cos(\varphi)\) Integer
actpowl1 Phase 1 active power 1 W Integer
actpowl2 Phase 2 active power 1 W Integer
actpowl3 Phase 3 active power 1 W Integer
il1 Phase 1 current 0.1 A Integer
il2 Phase 2 current 0.1 A Integer
il3 Phase 3 current 0.1 A Integer
vll12 Phase1-2 line-line voltage 0.1 V Integer
vll13 Phase1-3 line-line voltage 0.1 V Integer
vll23 Phase2-3 line-line voltage 0.1 V Integer
vl1 Phase1 to neutral voltage 0.1 V Integer
vl2 Phase2 to neutral voltage 0.1 V Integer
vl3 Phase3 to neutral voltage 0.1 V Integer
eimp imported energy counter 1 Wh Integer
eexp exported energy counter 1 Wh Integer
esolar used solar energy counter 1 Wh Integer
egrid used grid energy counter 1 Wh Integer
fgrid Measured grid frequency 0.01 Hz Integer
thdul1 Phase 1 voltage THD 0.01 % Integer
thdul2 Phase 2 voltage THD 0.01 % Integer
thdul3 Phase 3 voltage THD 0.01 % Integer
thdil1 Phase 1 current THD 0.01 % Integer
thdil2 Phase 2 current THD 0.01 % Integer
thdil3 Phase 3 current THD 0.01 % Integer
gas Used gas counter 0.01 m3 Integer
water Used water counter 0.01 m3 Integer
heat Used heat counter 100 J Integer
radi Measured radiation 0.1 W/m2 Integer
temp Measured temperature 0.1 C Integer
humi Measured humidity 0.01 % Integer
pres Measured pressure 1000 Pa Integer
flow Measured flow 0.01 liter/min Integer
weight Measured weigth 1 gram Integer

4.5 Request example

Example URL


        "timestamp": "2022-12-14T08:00:00.000Z",
        "actpow": 1000,
        "actpowl1": 100,
        "actpowl2": 1200,
        "actpowl3": -300,
        "apparpow": 1005,
        "eexp": 0,
        "egrid": 13541,
        "eimp": 36578912,
        "esolar": 31575661,
        "fgrid": 5011,
        "gas": 12300,
        "il1": 1000,
        "il2": 2000,
        "il3": 500,
        "pf": 30,
        "pfl1": 50,
        "pfl2": -50,
        "pfl3": 100,
        "reactpow": 100,
        "thdil1": 100,
        "thdil2": 200,
        "thdil3": 140,
        "thdul1": 111,
        "thdul2": 15,
        "thdul3": 109,
        "ul1": 23011,
        "ul2": 24011,
        "ul3": 23544,
        "ull12": 39821,
        "ull13": 40201,
        "ull23": 39098
        "timestamp": "2022-12-14T08:15:00.000Z",
        "actpow": 1000,
        "actpowl1": 100,
        "actpowl2": 1200,
        "actpowl3": -300,
        "apparpow": 1005,
        "eexp": 0,
        "egrid": 13541,
        "eimp": 36578912,
        "esolar": 31575661,
        "fgrid": 5011,
        "gas": 15300,
        "il1": 1000,
        "il2": 2000,
        "il3": 500,
        "pf": 30,
        "pfl1": 50,
        "pfl2": -50,
        "pfl3": 100,
        "reactpow": 100,
        "thdil1": 100,
        "thdil2": 200,
        "thdil3": 140,
        "thdul1": 111,
        "thdul2": 15,
        "thdul3": 109,
        "ul1": 23011,
        "ul2": 24011,
        "ul3": 23544,
        "ull12": 39821,
        "ull13": 40201,
        "ull23": 39098

4.6 Get inverter data endpoint

Method: GET | URL: https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/inverter

This API endpoint returns individual inverter data. It does not have a body, but it does require a few query parameters in order to work properly.

Request headers

This endpoint requires authentication using the API-KEY header (see Access tokens above).

API-KEYActual access token generated in the HUBYesString

Request query parameters

Query parameters must be appended to the URL, starting with a question mark (?) and separated by ampersands (&). For example: https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/inverter?id=[id]&uid=[uid]&period=h&range=d&type=max&start_date=2022-12-14GMT+0100.




ID of the token (generated in the HUB)


the uid of the inverter to read, only one uid can be entered


Select data return period:

  • l last sample (default)
  • q 15 minute
  • h hourly
  • w weekly
  • d daily
  • m monthly
  • y yearly

Time range to show:

  • d day (default)
  • w week
  • m month
  • y year

Combination type of multiple datapoints:

  • min minimum value in timerange
  • max maximum value in timerange (default)
  • avg average value in timerange

Date of the first sample in ISO 8601 layout, if not set current day is used

Last value

Note that the last data sample is only available within the last two days. If both the start date and period are not defined in the call, only the last data sample is returned if data is available; otherwise, no data will be returned.

Data time range
  • Users can optionally include a time with the start_date, which shifts the day interval. However, the total number of returned entries remains unchanged. If no time is specified, a day is considered from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 in the selected timezone.

  • The start_date determines the beginning of the data range. The period defines the interval between returned dates, while the range specifies the end date/time relative to start_date, thereby determining the number of entries returned.

Period limitations

Please note there are some limitations when combining period and range

  • For period q (quarter-hourly) and h (hourly), the maximum range is d (one day).
  • For period d (daily), the maximum range is w (one week).
  • For period w (weekly), the maximum range is m (one month).
  • For period m (monthly), the maximum range is y (one year.)

Response body

The inverter data is included in the JSON body of the response. The actual lay-out of the body varies depending on the query parameters given in the request.

The body can contain the following parameters, if the data is available:

var description units format
timestamp Timestamp of the measurement ISO 8601 string
stat Inverter status Integer
kdy Inverter daily yield 1 Wh Integer
kty Inverter total yield 1 Wh Integer
pac Inverter AC power 1 W Integer
psol Inverter solar power 1 W Integer
ul1 Inverter phase 1 voltage 0.1 V Integer
ul2 Inverter phase 2 voltage 0.1 V Integer
ul3 Inverter phase 3 voltage 0.1 V Integer
il1 Inverter phase 1 current 0.1 A Integer
il2 Inverter phase 2 current 0.1 A Integer
il3 Inverter phase 3 current 0.1 A Integer
tmp1 Inverter internal temperature 1 0.1 C Integer
tmp2 Inverter internal temperature 2 0.1 C Integer
ilk Inverter leakge current or isolation resistance 0.0001 A Integer
arc Inverter arc detection status Integer
batpow Battery power (+charge, -discharge) 1 W Integer
batcap Remaining battery capacity 1 Wh Integer
batsoc Battery State Of Charge 0.1 % Integer
batsoh Battery State Of Health 0.1 % Integer
battemp Battery temperature 0.1 C Integer
string_data Individual string data (see table below) stringdata

Definition of stringdata:

var description units format
sid string number of inverter uid string
idc String current 0.1 A Integer
udc String voltage 0.1 V Integer
pdc String power 1 W Integer
ydc String daily yield 1 Wh Integer
sarc String arc detection status Integer

Request example

Example URL


        "timestamp": "2022-12-13T23:00:00.000Z",
        "arc": 0,
        "batcap": 0,
        "batpower": 0,
        "batsoc": 0,
        "batsoh": 0,
        "battemp": 0,
        "il1": 56,
        "il2": 63,
        "il3": 77,
        "ilk": 3,
        "kdy": 1100000,
        "kty": 6100000,
        "pac": 10000,
        "psol": 20000,
        "string_data": [
                "sid": "1",
                "idc": 50,
                "udc": 5000,
                "pdc": 2500,
                "sarc": 0
                "sid": "2",
                "idc": 60,
                "udc": 6000,
                "pdc": 3600,
                "sarc": 0
        "stat": 1,
        "tmp1": 531,
        "tmp2": 366,
        "ul1": 2301,
        "ul2": 2405,
        "ul3": 2508
        "timestamp": "2022-12-14T00:00:00.000Z",
        "arc": 0,
        "batcap": 0,
        "batpower": 0,
        "batsoc": 0,
        "batsoh": 0,
        "battemp": 0,
        "il1": 120,
        "il2": 130,
        "il3": 120,
        "ilk": 3,
        "kdy": 1200000,
        "pac": 14000,
        "string_data": [
                "sid": "1",
                "idc": 50,
                "udc": 5000,
                "pdc": 2500,
                "sarc": 0
                "sid": "2",
                "idc": 60,
                "udc": 6000,
                "pdc": 3600,
                "sarc": 0
        "stat": 1,
        "tmp1": 551,
        "tmp2": 346,
        "ul1": 2301,
        "ul2": 2405,
        "ul3": 2508

4.7 Plant control endpoint

Method: POST | URL: https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/plantcontrol

This API endpoint allows external control of the plant. The GSE will limit any given values to the plant maximum or minimum allowed values.

It is possible to send values that would exceed the capabilities of the plant, but the GSE will adjust to allowed values.

At least one of the control values should be given, when a certain control value is not given or the valid_time is exceeded, the control value is not activly controlled by the GSE.

When a plant control action was still active when sending a new command, the old command is overwritten and the return message is overwritten.

The endpoint can be triggered by sending a POST request to https://api.hub.embion.nl/v1/plantcontrol, with a JSON body described below.

Request headers

Permission required

The Control access permission must be enabled for the token, this can be done within the token configuration form. An error response with a 403 HTTP status code will be returned otherwise.

This endpoint requires authentication using the API-KEY header (see Access tokens above).

API-KEYActual access token generated in the HUBYesString

Request body


Keep in mind that previously set limits are not remembered when a new command is sent, and that new commands overwrite the previous commands.




id of the token (generated in the HUB)


Maximum grid import power


Maximum grid export power

  • min minimise generation
  • max maximize generation
  • nom nominal generation
  • min minimise consumption
  • max maximize consumption
  • nom nominal consumption

Time in seconds that the given command stays active on the GSE (must be equal to or greater than 90).

Will be infinite if the value is 0 or the variable wasn't given.


Control explanation

The control_generation and control_consumption items can be used to control plant generation and consumption independently of the plant configuration.

Setting control_generation to min reduces the power generation to the minimum, resulting is solar power converters to shutdown and wind turbines to stop.

Setting control_generation to nom allows generation of solar and wind to operate normally.

Setting control_generation to max allows also the start of any extra generators (if available at plant).

Settings control_consumption to min reduces the controlable loads like heatpumps and EV-chargers to minimum consumption.

Settings control_consumption to nom enables normal controlable loads to operate within the plant limits.

Settings control_consumption to max increases the power for controlable loads to maximum. EV-chargers will increase charging power to maximum (within plant limits) and heatpumps will increase or decrease setpoint to increase power consumption.s

Example request body

    "id": "119mt001pj51d",
    "p_export_limit": 20000,
    "p_import_limit": 50000,
    "control_generation": "max",
    "control_consumption": "nom",
    "valid_time": 200

Response body

The response body contains info about whether the command was successfully sent. The body will be in the JSON format and contains the following parameters:

var descripion format optional
success Whether the command was sent (true = sent) boolean No
value Optional description message string Yes

The value field shows up if the command couldn’t be sent or when an existing command was overwritten. The field can have any of the following values:




The plant control feature is not supported on the device


The plant control feature is actively disabled by the device


The valid_time field must be equal to or greater than 90, if it isn't this error is shown


The device is offline


The previous command will be overwritten

Example response body

Plant control command successfully sent

    "success": true

Plant control command couldn’t be sent (plant is offline)

    "success": false,
    "value": "offline"